“Screw you and all the political BS. I don’t trust the company anymore.” – 60,000 Americans/Per week       


Part 1 of a 3-Part Series: As former Forbes contributor Allan E Hall reported, more than 2 million Americans are voluntarily leaving their jobs every month. That’s 60,000 per day. According to Inc, the number of people quitting their jobs continues to rise. In fact, in 2015, it was at a six-year high.Egads! We are truly in the transition economy and it’s only the beginning.

Why has quitting become an epidemic? Not surprisingly, people no longer trust corporate. From an executive standpoint, more and more execs want to control their own destiny. A Business Insider survey of 225 executives reports 22 percent want to launch their own companies and run an enterprise their way.


Most quitters have been thinking about quitting for quite some time. A final straw act pushes that wish into an emotional proclamation announcement: “I quit”.

If you have been thinking about quitting and the last straw act occurs, leave work ASAP. DO NOT utter the quit word when you are fueled with venom. If you need to lie in order to leave work, so be it. Break into a wild sneezing attack, fake a barf. Have your spouse or friend call your cell and proclaim that you have to leave because of a family emergency. Or firmly but politely announce that you need to leave for the day.

If you are on the verge of quitting, but have been too busy to take a deep dive into the true nuts and bolts of leaving corporate, take time off and take care of you. Call in sick. Take a vacation. Get advice from friends or an expert. Fearlessly, honestly and realistically assess the pros and cons of quitting now versus quitting sometime in the future. Understand when the time is really right and what that really means.


The problem is many quitters are not “honest with themselves” when analyzing the true repercussions associated with quitting. Many soon regret quitting because they don’t have a realistic plan in place. Many regretfully realize in hindsight that saying sayonara to corporate means saying goodbye to a steady paycheck, health benefits, vacation time and having 24/7/365 support. Others believe that they are prepared for the transition, but discover that they aren’t. As the saying goes, “What you don’t know, can kill you.” In this case, it can kill your dreams for an exceptional life after corporate.

The best career  transition advice is simple: Don’t quit until you have a plan. Discover how to prepared and quit on your own terms.

PREMATURE EVACUATION PART 2:  How to Quit on Your Own Terms: Pre-Mortem Planning. Coming September 27.

3 Responses

  1. Charlie says:

    Thank you mark !!!

  2. Buy Viagra says:

    Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!

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